Sunday, July 13, 2008

Attitude Makes All The Difference

In your day to day life the most important ingredient in a successful day is your attitude. You may not be able to control your noisy coworkers, the heat and humidity outside, or the bad driver that cut you off on the way to work. But you can control how you react to it.

Attitude is your way of looking at the world. You can choose how to react to the stresses and strains of your day; with humor and good will, or whining and complaining. It sounds simple, but it really isn’t. It takes hard work and commitment to make an optimistic outlook a regular habit. You can’t just hope or wish for more happiness, you have to work at it.

When things go wrong it starts with something small. You’re late for work because of traffic. You stayed up too late last night and started your day tired and grouchy. No one said hello to you in the hallway and you forgot the paperwork for your meeting. Little by little, tiny things add up until you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and depressed.

Luckily, it is just as easy to turn things around. One good thing leads to another. Simple things like smiling, humming your favorite song as you work, taking a quick 15 minute walk during break or cleaning up your email and desk can instantly lighten your mood. Then you can tackle the important things with more zest and enthusiasm.

Every day when you wake up, smile at the face in the mirror. Start your day with something that makes you happy - a good breakfast, some rockin’ music, or a short run before the office. Whatever gets your energy pumping and puts a smile on your face. Make your morning routine flow smoothly; lay out your clothes the night before. Prepare your work essentials before bed so you start the day peaceful and relaxed.

Here are some tips to help you develop a positive attitude:

  • Schedule time for fun.
  • Laugh and smile more.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Use and enhance your sense of humor daily.
  • Spend 10 minutes in the sun.
  • Find the positive side of your problem.
  • Follow up each negative thought with a positive one.
  • Celebrate each small success.
  • Give thanks and appreciation.
  • Surround yourself with people you love and who love you.
  • Read inspirational books, quotes and thoughts.

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