Friday, July 11, 2008

Developing A Millionaire Mentality

What is the millionaire mentality? Does it even exist? How I can I acquire this winning formula? I have read so many articles from many different budding entrepreneurs, who are offering to help those on the quest to find the millionaire mentality. One thing that they all seem to have in common is that none of them are actually millionaires themselves!

Those budding entrepreneurs are willing to share the secret of how they have achieved the millionaire mentality. Some may question whether we are wasting our time and efforts learning from people that are not even millionaires! The other side of the coin is that some of them will go on and become millionaires, others may give everything they have to achieving success and still fail and some are plain dillusionists.

I'm willing to learn from anybody that offers good advice no matter where they are on the path to financial freedom. You don't have to be a millionaire to have the millionaire mentality. Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Donald Trump etc all had the winning mentality long before they had two pennies to rub together. The pattern is clear you must have the mentality before you become a millionaire or the likelihood of you achieving it will be very slim.

On my own personal journey. I aim to work on every aspect of self improvement and motivation in order to program myself for success. I suppose I feel that I need to think and train almost like a successful athlete in order to condition my mind, body and soul for success.

So back to my original question, the millionaire mentality, is it something that someone can teach me? Or is it something I need to develop from within myself? It is clearly both! Its pretty easy to do some research and read about what the Millionaire's Mentality is, but you then need to start making it work, you have to believe it, not just talk the talk for talks sake.

J Paul Getty {everyone has heard of him, if you haven't, use Google!} In his book, "How To BE Rich" he talks about the millionaire mentality and this is what he says,
"Like it or not, there is a thing that can be called The Millionaire Mentality. There is a frame of mind, which puts an individual a long way ahead on the road to success. In, short, The Millionaire Mentality is one, which is always and above all cost-conscious and profit minded. It is most likely to be found among me in the first two categories I have cited."

Another interesting point that J Paul Getty makes is as follows,
"In my opinion, its more important for the man with The Millionaire Mentality to be able to think small than to think big - in the sense that he gives meticulous attention to even the smallest details and misses no opportunity to reduce costs in his own or his employers business"
I think J Paul Perfectly summaries the mental attitude of those that are seeking much more that a life of a wage slave. He basically says that those with the millionaire mentality are the types of people who work best when they are working for themselves. They don't want to be employed by anyone, and want complete independence. They don't care for the security that they get from a salaried job. Instead, they want to create their own security on their own, and keep their own future in their own hands. In short they want to be their own bosses, and take the responsibilities and risks, which is associated with this.

It seems that it is up to us as individuals to develop and create the illusive
MILLIONAIRE MENTALITY. It isn't something that is easy or natural for most people to achieve, but I think everyone has the potential if they are prepared to work at it. I suppose if it were easy, everyone would be a millionaire.
for more information send me your intent via email @

Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 Steps to Develop My Personal Vision in Life.

Your personal vision in life, will provides the direction necessary to guide the course of your days and the choices you make about your career,it is also the light shining in the darkness toward which you turn to find your way,and illuminates your way.
This topic will help you to find your personal vision as the first step in focusing your life in achieving your joy, your accomplishments, your contribution, your glory, and for your legacy!

1. Who am I ?

Vision for the life begins with knowledge of the self. Knowing what inspires my strengths and awakens tranquil spirit within is the key to live fulfilling life. It’s by asking our mind “Who am I ?,” we find our values - a self worth and priorities in life. Values define our character and guide our actions. Our habits are formed and relationships are nurtured by the value of self worth that our vision defines. For example, I love to be an entrepreneur in the service sector. It allows me to serve people from all walks of life. I love to forge friendship with those who are extrovert, compassionate and selfless. I love to be a caring father, husband and a son.

2.What do I want ?

By defining value for my inner self, I’ve created a visual impression of my desires. It’s a source of focus that fosters my inner desires incessantly even when, in the midst of difficulties, my passion starts to flicker. I wanted to visualize myself as an explorer of mind for the quest of happiness for me, my family and those who surround me. I wanted to develop healthy habits and practice my daily prayer life. I wanted to practice meditation, write this blog to bring the spiritual awareness and serenity in my life. I wanted to fulfill and be part of the hopes of my friends and community. I wanted to cherish every moment and realize that I have within me what it takes to be successful, that I can achieve the hopes and dreams of my inner self with a conscious effort to bring other’s interest ahead of my own.

3. How do I do that ?

knowing where you wanted to go, that is to say “what do you want ?”. Now is the time to focus on charting my course for the life that I wanted to live. It’s time for action. I recently read about great athletes and their way of achieving a balanced life at the pinnacle of their career. One name that comes to mind is the once golf prodigy.

"Tiger Woods"

"Compare to the life of universe, our life is not even a droplet in a vast ocean. We have short life to make difference".

Athletes also have a short stint in their life to achieve fame and wealth and wisdom to live a well balanced life long after their rein as an athlete.

Tiger has a disciplined training regimen to constantly practice and learn the game of golf. He never boasts nor sits on the laurels of being the best golfer in the world. Instead, he constantly trains his mind by perfecting his shots. He reviews videos of older games to learn ways to play a hole better. His mental acumen allows him to change focus constantly during a match so that each current part of his game is the sole subject of his attention. His records show his focus.

His vision for health has inspired several other professional golfers to change their diet, begin exercise routines, and stop smoking. In old days, many golfers partied all night only to loose metal focus while playing golf next day. Tiger has changed the course by instilling sense of purpose with healthy habits of avoiding parties, drinking, smoking to focus on being the best golfer.

Tiger fosters the values of honesty, integrity, discipline and accountability with his foundation that encourages kids to play with best of their ability. He believes in the need for children to learn accountability for their actions.I realize that, to seek happy and fulfilling life, I have to develop a personal vision that integrates my mind, body and soul.

My vision for the mind is to seek what I love to do the best ?. It is to seek focus on constantly learning what I love to do and improve myself.

My vision for body is to seek best of health by developing a healthy habits of balanced diet and exercise.

My vision for the soul is to seek the spirit within me to bring happiness to my family and friends.I have developed a personal vision statement comprising these integral parts of my core values.


I am… Improving my knowledge of personal development by reading and learning from other people everyday. I am reviewing my old habits to discern better ways of living life everyday.


I am… Consciously choosing the diet that best fit realm of healthy eating including lots of green with fiber and protein everyday.


I am… Seeking divinity and moral values of honesty, integrity through choosing proper actions everyday. I am seeking happiness and hopes for the brighter future for my family with love and care for them everyday. I am becoming a citizen who cares for the welfare of my friends and
community where I live.

Key is to integrate these three personal vision statements and visualize them daily to achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. Now, it is time for you to pause and think -
“What is my personal vision in life ?”.

for those people who really want to be part of this please contact me via email at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Building A Positive Self-Image

Building A Positive Self-Image

Self-esteem is how you see yourself as a person. If you value the type of person you are, you have a good sense of self-esteem and you're proud to be you. You value your skills and talents, respect your own intelligence and act on your beliefs and feelings. But if you could feel better about yourself, these tips might give you some ideas about how to start.

Listen to Self Talk

We all carry on a steady mental dialogue. Do you ever listen to what you're saying to yourself? Do you put yourself down or call yourself names? Learn to hear the things you say about yourself, then replace that dialogue with positive images. Stop negative self-talk and take the first step toward a more positive self-image.

Recognize Accomplishments

Make a list of your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem to you. Maybe you won't win a Nobel Prize, but your accomplishments have worth to you. By recognizing them, you can begin to understand that you are important and that you have self-worth.

Be Assertive

Learn to be assertive and to practice clear communication. Say what you mean and respect what others have to say. Remember that you have rights, too.

Be Tolerant

Be tolerant of yourself and others. Nobody's perfect! Try not to criticize yourself or other people and don't expect others to criticize you. Recognize that a mistake is only a mistake and don't dwell on it.

Know Good Friends

Spend time with people who value you. Listen to what they say about you. If others are constantly putting you down, you might want to reconsider those relationships. People you choose to be around are often mirrors of how you feel about yourself. You can find the best in yourself and others by expecting it.

for more information send me your intent via email @