Sunday, July 13, 2008

JP Peralta Teaching, Brian Tracy's 21 Success Secrets of Self-made Millionaires

1. Dream Big Dreams - How to visualize, imagine and create an exciting picture of personal wealth and prosperity

2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction - Learn a powerful, proven goal-setting exercise that can change your life

3. See Yourself As Self-Employed - How to take complete control of your career and your financial life

4. Do What You Love To Do - Identify the ideal work for you and then get paid    well for doing it

5. Commit to Excellence - How to move into the top 10% in your field

and be paid more than ever before

6. Work Longer and Harder - How to organize your time so you get more done and contribute more value

7. Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Leaning- How to continually upgrade your talents and abilities to earn more money

8. Pay Yourself First - The most powerful process of wealth accumulation ever discovered and how you can use it

9. Learn Every Detail of the Business - How to become an expert in

your chosen field and double your income

10. Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others - The starting point of all

personal fortunes and how to begin

11. Be Absolutely Honest With Yourself and Others - How and why personal integrity goes hand in hand with financial success

12. Set Priorities and Concentrate Single-mindedly - The importance of focusing on your most important tasks all day long

13. Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability - How to give yourself the winning edge in everything you do

14. Be Prepared to Climb From Peak to Peak - Learn how to recognize the cycles and trends that can make you rich

15. Practice Self-Discipline In All Things - Develop the most important quality for financial success

16. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity - Learn how to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal

17. Get Around The Right People - The important of surrounding yourself with winners at each stage of your career

18. Take Excellent Care of Your Physical Health - How to develop and

maintain high levels of energy and fitness

19. Be Decisive and Action Oriented - How to identify the most important action steps you can take immediately

20. Never Allow Failure To Be An Option - How to overcome the fears that hold most people back

21. Pass the "Persistence Test" - Learn how to bounce back from defeat and never, never give up.

Attitude Makes All The Difference

In your day to day life the most important ingredient in a successful day is your attitude. You may not be able to control your noisy coworkers, the heat and humidity outside, or the bad driver that cut you off on the way to work. But you can control how you react to it.

Attitude is your way of looking at the world. You can choose how to react to the stresses and strains of your day; with humor and good will, or whining and complaining. It sounds simple, but it really isn’t. It takes hard work and commitment to make an optimistic outlook a regular habit. You can’t just hope or wish for more happiness, you have to work at it.

When things go wrong it starts with something small. You’re late for work because of traffic. You stayed up too late last night and started your day tired and grouchy. No one said hello to you in the hallway and you forgot the paperwork for your meeting. Little by little, tiny things add up until you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and depressed.

Luckily, it is just as easy to turn things around. One good thing leads to another. Simple things like smiling, humming your favorite song as you work, taking a quick 15 minute walk during break or cleaning up your email and desk can instantly lighten your mood. Then you can tackle the important things with more zest and enthusiasm.

Every day when you wake up, smile at the face in the mirror. Start your day with something that makes you happy - a good breakfast, some rockin’ music, or a short run before the office. Whatever gets your energy pumping and puts a smile on your face. Make your morning routine flow smoothly; lay out your clothes the night before. Prepare your work essentials before bed so you start the day peaceful and relaxed.

Here are some tips to help you develop a positive attitude:

  • Schedule time for fun.
  • Laugh and smile more.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Use and enhance your sense of humor daily.
  • Spend 10 minutes in the sun.
  • Find the positive side of your problem.
  • Follow up each negative thought with a positive one.
  • Celebrate each small success.
  • Give thanks and appreciation.
  • Surround yourself with people you love and who love you.
  • Read inspirational books, quotes and thoughts.

Why Do Some People Succeed Where Others Fail?

Everyone wants to succeed, but few people take the time to study success. Similarly, everyone dislikes failure, but few people invest the time and energy necessary to learn from their mistakes. Often we are too busy basking in the glory of our triumphs to think through what we did right, or the pain of failure is sufficiently intense that many of us want to "move on" and "put it behind us" as soon as we can. Yet those who want to improve their chances of success can ill afford to disregard the issue of why; despite seemingly equal levels of intelligence and education, some people succeed where others fail.

A substantial amount of educational research indicates that how learners understand success and failure exerts an important influence on their level of achievement . In this editorial, I outline several parameters according to which high achievers tend to differ from low achievers. These parameters are derived in part from a psychologic approach to motivation and performance referred to as attribution theory . While some factors in the larger equation of achievement may be difficult to alter, each of us can revisit and perhaps revise our understanding of what makes a person successful. In so doing, we can help learners such as managers, CEO, fellows, and even ordinary people to enhance their opportunities for success.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors

The factors that contribute to or detract from success can be assigned into two categories, extrinsic and intrinsic . Extrinsic factors flow from decisions made by people other than learners and include their expectations, reactions of praise or blame, and any rewards or punishments they may offer. Intrinsic factors, by contrast, arise from learners themselves and include their expectations, their level of desire to succeed, and their sense of whether or not they were challenged in a meaningful way. For example, learners tend to feel a greater sense of pride in their achievement if the task they face is a moderately difficult one, as opposed to one that they regard as very easy. Learning effectiveness is enhanced when learners approach tasks with a high degree of intrinsic engagement and a reasonable expectation that they will perform well. It is important to present learners with tasks that challenge but do not overwhelm them.

Fear of Making a Mistake

Some people are afraid to move for fear of making a mistake. Are you one of those people? Why does this happen? Fear of making a mistake is the result of past criticism, judgments, or negative comparison. Don't let the past influence your future. Things you do or fail to do will decide the quality of your life.

Have you ever wondered how you would feel after you overcame your fear and mastered something you have not done yet? Everybody has the will to succeed; not everybody has the skills to get there. Regardless of the past, would you like to acquire the skills to succeed and create the future you want?

You can learn how to become more successful by changing the training you give yourself in the morning. ("Oh my, I have to get up and face my boss, my staff, etc."). Can you imagine waking up in the morning and saying to yourself, "I am going to have a great day today!" See yourself having a good day and feel what that feels like. What kind of day will you have? Would you be more willing to do something new? Would you be more willing to learn new strategies that will produce the success that you want? The absolute truth is that you get from life what you give. Are you giving yourself everything that you deserve?

Success requires releasing old patterns and a commitment to grow. Have you looked at the outcome you want to create? How will you get there? Success Strategies has the tools to help you develop the skills to reach the outcome you want.

for more information send me your intent via email @

Friday, July 11, 2008

Developing A Millionaire Mentality

What is the millionaire mentality? Does it even exist? How I can I acquire this winning formula? I have read so many articles from many different budding entrepreneurs, who are offering to help those on the quest to find the millionaire mentality. One thing that they all seem to have in common is that none of them are actually millionaires themselves!

Those budding entrepreneurs are willing to share the secret of how they have achieved the millionaire mentality. Some may question whether we are wasting our time and efforts learning from people that are not even millionaires! The other side of the coin is that some of them will go on and become millionaires, others may give everything they have to achieving success and still fail and some are plain dillusionists.

I'm willing to learn from anybody that offers good advice no matter where they are on the path to financial freedom. You don't have to be a millionaire to have the millionaire mentality. Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Donald Trump etc all had the winning mentality long before they had two pennies to rub together. The pattern is clear you must have the mentality before you become a millionaire or the likelihood of you achieving it will be very slim.

On my own personal journey. I aim to work on every aspect of self improvement and motivation in order to program myself for success. I suppose I feel that I need to think and train almost like a successful athlete in order to condition my mind, body and soul for success.

So back to my original question, the millionaire mentality, is it something that someone can teach me? Or is it something I need to develop from within myself? It is clearly both! Its pretty easy to do some research and read about what the Millionaire's Mentality is, but you then need to start making it work, you have to believe it, not just talk the talk for talks sake.

J Paul Getty {everyone has heard of him, if you haven't, use Google!} In his book, "How To BE Rich" he talks about the millionaire mentality and this is what he says,
"Like it or not, there is a thing that can be called The Millionaire Mentality. There is a frame of mind, which puts an individual a long way ahead on the road to success. In, short, The Millionaire Mentality is one, which is always and above all cost-conscious and profit minded. It is most likely to be found among me in the first two categories I have cited."

Another interesting point that J Paul Getty makes is as follows,
"In my opinion, its more important for the man with The Millionaire Mentality to be able to think small than to think big - in the sense that he gives meticulous attention to even the smallest details and misses no opportunity to reduce costs in his own or his employers business"
I think J Paul Perfectly summaries the mental attitude of those that are seeking much more that a life of a wage slave. He basically says that those with the millionaire mentality are the types of people who work best when they are working for themselves. They don't want to be employed by anyone, and want complete independence. They don't care for the security that they get from a salaried job. Instead, they want to create their own security on their own, and keep their own future in their own hands. In short they want to be their own bosses, and take the responsibilities and risks, which is associated with this.

It seems that it is up to us as individuals to develop and create the illusive
MILLIONAIRE MENTALITY. It isn't something that is easy or natural for most people to achieve, but I think everyone has the potential if they are prepared to work at it. I suppose if it were easy, everyone would be a millionaire.
for more information send me your intent via email @

Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 Steps to Develop My Personal Vision in Life.

Your personal vision in life, will provides the direction necessary to guide the course of your days and the choices you make about your career,it is also the light shining in the darkness toward which you turn to find your way,and illuminates your way.
This topic will help you to find your personal vision as the first step in focusing your life in achieving your joy, your accomplishments, your contribution, your glory, and for your legacy!

1. Who am I ?

Vision for the life begins with knowledge of the self. Knowing what inspires my strengths and awakens tranquil spirit within is the key to live fulfilling life. It’s by asking our mind “Who am I ?,” we find our values - a self worth and priorities in life. Values define our character and guide our actions. Our habits are formed and relationships are nurtured by the value of self worth that our vision defines. For example, I love to be an entrepreneur in the service sector. It allows me to serve people from all walks of life. I love to forge friendship with those who are extrovert, compassionate and selfless. I love to be a caring father, husband and a son.

2.What do I want ?

By defining value for my inner self, I’ve created a visual impression of my desires. It’s a source of focus that fosters my inner desires incessantly even when, in the midst of difficulties, my passion starts to flicker. I wanted to visualize myself as an explorer of mind for the quest of happiness for me, my family and those who surround me. I wanted to develop healthy habits and practice my daily prayer life. I wanted to practice meditation, write this blog to bring the spiritual awareness and serenity in my life. I wanted to fulfill and be part of the hopes of my friends and community. I wanted to cherish every moment and realize that I have within me what it takes to be successful, that I can achieve the hopes and dreams of my inner self with a conscious effort to bring other’s interest ahead of my own.

3. How do I do that ?

knowing where you wanted to go, that is to say “what do you want ?”. Now is the time to focus on charting my course for the life that I wanted to live. It’s time for action. I recently read about great athletes and their way of achieving a balanced life at the pinnacle of their career. One name that comes to mind is the once golf prodigy.

"Tiger Woods"

"Compare to the life of universe, our life is not even a droplet in a vast ocean. We have short life to make difference".

Athletes also have a short stint in their life to achieve fame and wealth and wisdom to live a well balanced life long after their rein as an athlete.

Tiger has a disciplined training regimen to constantly practice and learn the game of golf. He never boasts nor sits on the laurels of being the best golfer in the world. Instead, he constantly trains his mind by perfecting his shots. He reviews videos of older games to learn ways to play a hole better. His mental acumen allows him to change focus constantly during a match so that each current part of his game is the sole subject of his attention. His records show his focus.

His vision for health has inspired several other professional golfers to change their diet, begin exercise routines, and stop smoking. In old days, many golfers partied all night only to loose metal focus while playing golf next day. Tiger has changed the course by instilling sense of purpose with healthy habits of avoiding parties, drinking, smoking to focus on being the best golfer.

Tiger fosters the values of honesty, integrity, discipline and accountability with his foundation that encourages kids to play with best of their ability. He believes in the need for children to learn accountability for their actions.I realize that, to seek happy and fulfilling life, I have to develop a personal vision that integrates my mind, body and soul.

My vision for the mind is to seek what I love to do the best ?. It is to seek focus on constantly learning what I love to do and improve myself.

My vision for body is to seek best of health by developing a healthy habits of balanced diet and exercise.

My vision for the soul is to seek the spirit within me to bring happiness to my family and friends.I have developed a personal vision statement comprising these integral parts of my core values.


I am… Improving my knowledge of personal development by reading and learning from other people everyday. I am reviewing my old habits to discern better ways of living life everyday.


I am… Consciously choosing the diet that best fit realm of healthy eating including lots of green with fiber and protein everyday.


I am… Seeking divinity and moral values of honesty, integrity through choosing proper actions everyday. I am seeking happiness and hopes for the brighter future for my family with love and care for them everyday. I am becoming a citizen who cares for the welfare of my friends and
community where I live.

Key is to integrate these three personal vision statements and visualize them daily to achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. Now, it is time for you to pause and think -
“What is my personal vision in life ?”.

for those people who really want to be part of this please contact me via email at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Building A Positive Self-Image

Building A Positive Self-Image

Self-esteem is how you see yourself as a person. If you value the type of person you are, you have a good sense of self-esteem and you're proud to be you. You value your skills and talents, respect your own intelligence and act on your beliefs and feelings. But if you could feel better about yourself, these tips might give you some ideas about how to start.

Listen to Self Talk

We all carry on a steady mental dialogue. Do you ever listen to what you're saying to yourself? Do you put yourself down or call yourself names? Learn to hear the things you say about yourself, then replace that dialogue with positive images. Stop negative self-talk and take the first step toward a more positive self-image.

Recognize Accomplishments

Make a list of your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem to you. Maybe you won't win a Nobel Prize, but your accomplishments have worth to you. By recognizing them, you can begin to understand that you are important and that you have self-worth.

Be Assertive

Learn to be assertive and to practice clear communication. Say what you mean and respect what others have to say. Remember that you have rights, too.

Be Tolerant

Be tolerant of yourself and others. Nobody's perfect! Try not to criticize yourself or other people and don't expect others to criticize you. Recognize that a mistake is only a mistake and don't dwell on it.

Know Good Friends

Spend time with people who value you. Listen to what they say about you. If others are constantly putting you down, you might want to reconsider those relationships. People you choose to be around are often mirrors of how you feel about yourself. You can find the best in yourself and others by expecting it.

for more information send me your intent via email @

Saturday, July 5, 2008

How To Increase Your Power and Influence

Rule 1: Build volume and diversity in your network.

As we all do initially, I networked for friendship. It's natural to start building your network with people who are similar to you in personality, style, career and personal interests. However, the people who have the best networks also have the most diverse networks. Add those people who are different to you in personality, style, likes and professional interests to your network. In this way, you will be more likely to capture the help you need, when you need it.As one famous author on the subject, Keith Ferrazzi (2005) once said "The best time to build a network is before you need it."New managers, when building a network, often make the mistake of first looking upwards to their senior managers - surely it is those "up there" who can be of most help. Do not only look upwards - go for everyone. Everyone is a potential network member. Often it is the people that you least expect to be of help that provide you with the introduction or direction that you need.Sales people reading this article may recall the story James Lavenson of The Plaza Hotel in New York told about his idea to have all employees using their networks to promote sales. You can imagine the scepticism which greeted one of the ladies who worked in the laundry when she asked if she could participate. The result? Well, she organised a luncheon for her small church group. "500 church members showed up for lunch at the Plaza dressed to the heavens and paying cash."

Rule 2: Plant a seed through giving.

It feels really good when you are able to help someone else. But there is another reason for giving. When you give, people are more likely to give back. In fact the social psychologists have a term for it, "reciprocity". The research clearly shows that the more you give of yourself, the more likely people are to help you when you need it. In fact in his recent book "The Happiness Hypothesis", Jonathan Haidt cites compelling social psychological evidence that reciprocity is an inbuilt human response. "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" is not just a saying, it's actually part of our basic makeup.You might be saying, "Yes, that's OK, but how do I give? How will people come to me? Why should they?" Become an expert. You may recall Kevin Costner saying in the 1989 film Field of Dreams - "Build the field and they will come". Build and promote yourself as an expert and they will come! You need to focus on an area of skill or knowledge and develop yourself as an expert in that field - learn all you can about it.

Rule 3: Make contact with your potential network members.

Members of your network should be both within your organisation and external to it. Internal network members are more likely to be of help with getting things done. External members are more likely to be of help in developing your knowledge and expertise. Additionally, both will be of considerable help in developing and progressing your career.How do you make contact with potential members?

Here are some suggestions:

- you'll probably think of some more as you read through the list.

- When next you are in an interdepartmental meeting or project team meeting, make contact with someone who has impressed you and suggest that you get together for a coffee. Give this person some positive feedback about what you liked that they did in the meeting.

- Ask your boss for the names of some of the people outside of your department that could be of help to you. Call them up and arrange to meet. Make sure you have a topic to discuss, or if you are new to the organisation, you could ask for their advice on navigating your way through the organisational deep waters.

- Arrange to meet with key customers or suppliers of your department or organisation. Always make sure you know as much as possible about your contact before meeting them. Offer advice or help on an area of interest to them.

- Regularly attend professional / industry events. Make a point of making contact with at least two people at each event. These are people that you will definitely call later and meet with. They are in addition to all the people with whom you will swap business cards during the event.

- Join Industry and professional or trade associations, local chambers of commerce, etc. Make contact with at least two people with whom you will later meet.

- Join special interest group committees, or if your time does not permit, offer to speak at their sessions or conferences. Once again, make contact with at least two people with whom you will later meet.

- Finally, as was said before, develop yourself as an expert in a particular field. Become known both inside and outside the organisation as someone "who knows a lot about that". In this way, people will start to beat a path to your door.

Rule 4: Keep in touch to maintain your network

Making the first contact is obviously important. However, keeping in contact over the longer term is the only way to maintain your network. This requires some discipline. If you are that way inclined, then you're off to a flying start. If not, then make your diary work for you - e.g. all of the computer planning and diary systems have the ability to enter people's names and follow up dates, so use these aids.

Some ideas for keeping in touch:

- Draw up a list of your contacts.

- Make a note to stay in touch on a regular basis. A minimum time is every three months.

- Diary to contact a certain number of your network members every week. In this way, you can spread the load evenly throughout each quarter.

- Send people emails on areas of interest to them.

- When you come across an article or website that may be of interest to someone, send them the details.

- Invite people to coffee or lunch.

- Put people in touch with other people who may have similar interests or needs.Influencing a real benefit!

As a colleague once said to me "I've noticed a real side benefit to influencing. People like being around people who use their influencing skills well. Good influencers seem to exude a sense that things happen when they're about. They don't sit around wishing things were different whilst moaning there's nothing they can do about it. Nor do they blame others or complain about what needs fixing. They see what needs doing and set about getting it done."
for more information send me your intent via email @

Building Your Courage And Overcoming Your Fears

Building Your Courage

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear. Courage has to be developed and strengthened by doing the very things you fear to do, by embracing challenges, not running from them. Courage builds when you cultivate the habit of refusing to let fear dictate your actions. Growth occurs when you decide to try something new that takes you out of your comfort zone and expands your sense of possibility.

courage is the willingness to stretch yourself and move out of your comfort zone. It takes tremendous courage to move yourself into a state of discomfort. Moving out of your comfort zone can mean feeling awkward, clumsy, overwhelmed and embarrassed. Sometimes it feels easier to stay as you are than to risk the pain of discomfort. However to grow and develop yourself, it is an absolutely essential characteristic. You need to be willing to move yourself onwards and upwards towards your goals and ambitions. You need to be willing to face your discomfort and work through it.

Some of the most exhilarating times in my life have come when I have tried to do things that I feared to do. This isn't to say that I recklessly threw myself into situations like parachuting from airplanes, or climbing the highest mountains when I wasn't prepared—I choose my challenges carefully. Challenging fears in one area of life builds confidence in other areas of life and helps you move beyond a limited sense of self. If you have big dreams—consider repelling or firewalking to help build your courage so that you can achieve your goals. These activities are not merely physical challenges, but metaphors for the issues that we must overcome in our personal and professional lives. Meeting these challenges create peak experiences that you can draw upon to overcome future obstacles.

Overcoming Your Fears

Fears are the greatest enemy of our individual potential. They keep us in place in our lives and stop us from being everything we could be.
Everyone knows how it feels to be afraid. To be afraid is a normal, human characteristic. In fact, the more you develop your intelligence, the more things you have to fear.
As young children, we don't have all the fears we have as adults. This is because our understanding is limited and our perception doesn?t really extend very far. Children have simple fears, such as the 'fear of monsters' or 'fear of the dark'. As we grow into adults, we lose these simple fears and we develop more complex fears, such as a 'fear of commitment' or 'fear of confrontation'.

The emotion of fear is caused by thinking about what you don't want to happen. In every situation, there is the potential for success and for failure. You will only start to experience fear whenever you think MORE about the bad potential result than the good.
Often this type of negative-focus thinking becomes a habit, and eventually a constant state of worry. Worriers live with a barrage of negative 'what ifs' just below the surface. If you are a worrier by nature, it is generally because you are always thinking of the possible negative outcomes and dwelling on them continually.
To overcome our fears and build our self-confidence requires one essential ingredient: courage!

for more information send me your intent via email @

My Amazing Story

As a simple person,

No big education! No big connections! No big money or capital!

I am
Dreaming of something,
Something that I picture out in my mind, you know what that is?

“Hundreds and thousands of people, I want to help people, ordinary people.!”

Despite of being nothing, "I have BIG FAITH in GOD!"

To fulfill that vision and to do what I want to be!

And I want you to know that, it’s not about to have big money in the

bank, its not about to be rich!
But to build a legacy in the heart of people!

for those people who really want to be part of this please contact me via email at

Friday, July 4, 2008

You Are Created To Change Somebody!

More often than not, we always need a life changing event to turn our lives around to be a better person or to achieve our heart’s deepest desire. Is making a commitment to change our live really that difficult? Why do we need to wait for such an event to occur before we really decided that we need to change our life? In actual fact, the many events that happened around us, whether in our family or around the world, should have given us enough evident to change our life. We do not need wait for a particular painful event that fall on us before we decided to change our life.Did you care less for your loved ones? Have you ever felt remorseful because you did not show enough love, care and concern to your loved ones when they leave you? And you moaned that you should have given more when they are still around. Why wait? You may have own personal reasons that have hold you back or you cannot get over some pass hurts.Possible reasons that you are not able to change your live is because you do not know how to. Or you do not want to get our of your comfort zone. Or you want to stay as is it and feel that there is nothing you can do about with your life. If that is the case, you can consider to read a self-help book, take a course, go to seminar or even personal coaching. While some people have embarked in one form of training or another, it is sad to see that some of these people fail to finish their training. While those that have successfully completed, is it estimated that only less than 10% really make use of the newly acquired skills. What happened to those 90%?It is said that if you want to improve your live, you will have to accept the fact that you cannot do the same old thing again. You will need to get out of your comfort zone. If you have gotten a good start after the program and have stopped practicing the material you have learned, then you may have slipped back into your comfort zone. You may be wondering why the program did not bring you any desire results you are looking for.If you have decided that you should

take steps to improve or change your life, then you should start to source for life changing activities to take part. As mentioned, you can read self-help book, take a course, go to seminar or even personal coaching. On the other hand, if you have completed any form of training, you will need to make a commitment to take action. Use the material you have learned and put it in use. You cannot learn it and forget it and hope for the best.Your destiny is in your hand and you have to create it. No one can write your live book except yourself. You are your own author of your live. Do not live a live by default but instead live it by creation.
for more information send me your intent via email @

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Do you what to be a Change Maker?

The Man with a Passion for Change!

JP PERALTA , is a man with a golden heart who lives to help in the transformation of Leadership Norms into a system and Program that will mold and enhance them to become better and profitable leaders of our society. He applies his experiences in youth leadership,theater acting,business directing and marketing,and Team Building with his current teaching profession. He conducted Leadership Training to marketing groups,corporate leaders,men in uniform, church manpower, and specially the young people. His career as Motivational and Inspirational Resource Speaker,has developed a passion in lifting up the morale of our less fortunate countrymen. He is calling people and professionals of the same calling to partner with him for the good and welfare of mankind!

for more information send me your intent via email @